Introducing our Holy Week 2022 Preacher, the Revd Canon Tim Schofield
We are delighted to welcome Canon Tim Schofield as our Holy Week preacher this year. Tim was Canon Precentor of Chichester Cathedral until his recent retirement, and continues to be in demand as a spiritual director. He was a music teacher before ordination, and served as a priest priest in Devon before his Cathedral appointment.
Revd Canon Tim Schofield preaching at Chichester Cathedral | Credit: Chichester Cathedral
His sermon series is Signs of Glory, and he will explore how the way of the cross reveals signs of God’s grace and glory which offer hope and life to a suffering world. The pandemic has reminded us of the interconnectedness of human experience. World-changing events affect body and mind, individuals and communities, economy and ecology.
In Holy Week we are called to engage with another, greater world-changing event. As we follow the way of the cross together we shall explore how God in Jesus uses every human sense and experience to reveal his grace and glory. This revelation reaches its climax in the events of Good Friday and Easter Day where through suffering and sacrifice, emptiness and energy, politics and power God shows us how all things can work for good.
You can follow Tim’s Signs of Glory sermon series from Palm Sunday to Easter Day Festal Evensong, or find more of our Lent, Holy Week and Easter services and events as they are announced.