About Us — Portsmouth Cathedral

Open today 8:00am to 6:30pm


About us

From humble beginnings in 1180 at the heart of Portsmouth's original settlement, this church, dedicated to Thomas Becket, became a parish church around 1320 and a Cathedral in 1927. It has been integral to the development of Portsmouth as a modern, vibrant city.


Portsmouth Cathedral is the Mother Church of the Diocese of Portsmouth, which covers south-east Hampshire, Portsea Island and the Isle of Wight.  The focal point for many diocese-wide services and events, we host many diocesan events from confirmation services to the ordinations of new ministers. Worship in a variety of different styles is available throughout the year, from daily Holy Communion, to our informal family service #PompeySundays.  We warmly welcome all through our doors, as a beacon and safe haven anchored in Jesus Christ. We are also the Parish Church of St Thomas of Canterbury, serving all who live in our geographical parish rather like any other smaller parish church.

Since humble beginnings in 1180, we have for centuries the Cathedral watched, listened and helped the people of Portsmouth navigate the passage of time. We have witnessed wars and peace, famous marriages, been bombed and rebuilt. The Cathedral reflects the constantly changing, growing and unfolding of the Christian faith, displaying a harmony of three distinct architectural styles which provide a source of light, warmth and space.

The governance of Portsmouth Cathedral is regulated by Statute, as required by the Cathedrals Measure 2021. The corporate body of Portsmouth Cathedral is the Chapter.

The governance of the Cathedral changed in December 2023 when the new Constitution and Statutes came into effect. The Cathedral will come under the joint jurisdiction of the Church Commissioners and Charity Commission in March 2024. More details about the Cathedrals Measure are here.



Portsmouth Cathedral ministry and mission is overseen by the Chapter, which is a small group of people. They are the Dean, four residentiary canons who are ordained, and six lay people. Chapter meets monthly, with other professionals who advise them on many practical matters such as finance, architecture and building maintenance, property investments, fundraising, etc.

Members of Chapter

  • The Very Reverend Dr Anthony Cane, Dean of Portsmouth

  • The Revd Canon Nick Ralph

  • The Revd Canon Dr Jo Spreadbury

  • The Revd Canon Harriet Neale-Stevens

  • Senior Non-Executive Member - Mark Emerton

  • Alex Lochrane (elected)

  • Canon Ronald Rabbetts (elected)

  • Chair of Finance - David King

  • Santosh Mathew

  • Pippa Bostock


College of Canons

The members of the College of Canons are the Bishop, the Dean, the Archdeacons, the four Residentiary Canons, and every Lay and Clerical Canon of Portsmouth Cathedral. The names are listed in the Annual Accounts, the Cathedral Churchwardens are also Lay Canons

The College of Canons meets in order to…

  • Perform corporate worship and prayer

  • Run functions conferred by the appointment of Bishops Act 1533 on the Dean and Chapter

  • Express through its members the integral relationship between Portsmouth Cathedral and the rest of the diocese of Portsmouth

  • Provide a forum in which the Chapter, as appropriate, seeks its views in matters affecting Portsmouth Cathedral, and keep such members informed of the work of the Cathedral

  • Discuss any matters concerning Portsmouth Cathedral raised by any members of the College

  • Perform any functions requested by the Bishop after consultation with the Chapter



Diocesan Offices

Peninsular House, Wharf Road, Portsmouth PO2 8HB
Tel: 02392 899 650
Email: executive.assistant@portsmouth.anglican.org

Bishop’s Office

Bishopsgrove, 26 Osborn Road, Fareham, Hampshire, PO16 7DQ
Tel: 01329 280 247
Email: bishop@portsmouth.anglican.org