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Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral
The Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral were established in the 1930s to develop further links between the parishes of the Portsmouth diocese and the Cathedral.
The friends are an active organisation with a growing membership and committed fully to:
Supporting, financially and otherwise, the maintenance and development of the Cathedral.
The Cathedral's ministry and mission
Encouraging links between all who share an interest in or who support the Cathedral, whether within or outside the Diocese.
Projects supported by the Friends
The Friends have also contributed greatly to the fabric and work of the Cathedral and recent donations have included: Altar vestments, doors of the west Great Organ case, new stalls and robes for the choristers, bike racks, a new donations box, the altar frontal chest, Cathedral noticeboards, a cloister kitchenette, and Pop-Up Cathedral.
The Friends also actively support School Workshops held in the Cathedral.
Upcoming Friends Events
The Friends Council has created a varied and interesting programme of events for Friends. Members of the Friends who have not yet received details are asked to contact friends@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or call 023 9289 2963.
Membership of the Friends
Membership of the Friends is open to all who wish to support the Cathedral by their prayers or their interest in its life and ministry, and we should be delighted to welcome you!
Friends are invited to the Annual General Meeting. They receive each summer a copy of the Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral Yearbook which contains articles about the life of the Cathedral as well as reports on the work and activities of the Friends’ Council.
There are also Spring and Autumn newsletters which aim to publicise events for the following year.
For membership details and an application form, please contact us using the form below: