Lent, Holy Week & Easter — Portsmouth Cathedral

Open today 9:00am to 6:30pm


Lent, Holy Week & Easter


Journey with us through Lent and Holy Week as we follow Jesus' path to his death on the cross and his glorious resurrection on Easter Day.

Lent, Holy Week and Easter include some of the most important dates in the Christian calendar. We follow the story of Jesus’s life, how he faced suffering and death, and inspired many to believe and live a new kind of life. Portsmouth Cathedral will be bringing the opportunity to follow these seasons, with our regular services, courses and events.

We invite you to be inspired by God’s story and learn lessons for everyday life which can help us live life to the full, and discover more about God’s promises of eternal life. 

What is Lent, Holy Week and Easter about?



The season of Lent lasts for forty days (not including Sundays). It is a time when Christians reflect and prepare for the celebrations of Easter. Some people fast, eat frugally or give up treats following the example of Jesus, who fasted for forty days in the wilderness.

People also give to charity, set aside time to study the bible and meet with other Christians to reflect on Jesus' life and prepare for the events of Holy Week and Easter. 


Holy Week

On Palm Sunday Jesus arrived in Jerusalem to crowds and cheers. His triumphant entry into Jerusalem has been celebrated on the Sunday before Easter since the first centuries of Christianity.

Good Friday is the day when Christians remember the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. It is a sombre day. Usually, churches meet, pray and reflect on the sacrifice Jesus willingly paid for all our sins.



On Easter Sunday, churches across England will celebrate because Jesus died for our sins and then rose again. This year, many churches will be live streaming their Easter Day service.

On the third day after being crucified, Jesus' tomb was found to be empty. He had risen from the dead. Life triumphs over death! The joy of resurrection is possible only because Christ endured death and conquered it.


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