Weekly Notices | Sunday, 6 February 2022
A reflection from Revd Catherine
‘The arc of the moral universe is long but it bends towards justice’. So said Dr Martin Luther King Jnr, the civil rights activist and his words form the basis of the theme of this year’s LGBT+ History Month, which started on 1st February: ‘Politics in Art: the arc is long’.
I have been participating in the Living in Love and Faith course that is taking place in our Deanery. This is part of the Church of England’s process to discern how to move forward on issues of gender, sexuality, marriage and relationships. If I am honest, I was sceptical at the beginning. Part of me felt this process is simply a way for the Church to avoid grappling with the difficulties of differing views and to delay taking any action. I questioned whether by the end there any progress will actually be. The arc truly seems very long.
What I have found so far, being part of the discussion, is that it has reinforced how prevalent the assumption still is that a person is straight. For example, when introducing myself, I might say I am married, but it doesn’t occur to me to say I have a husband rather than a wife. For others however, who are in same-sex relationships, when they say they are married, there is a silent assumption that their spouse is of the opposite sex, and they are left wondering when/how to introduce the fact they are the same sex. The process has emphasized once more how vitally important it is for LGBT+ people to be able to talk freely about their identity because for so long this has not been welcomed, and in many places still is not welcomed.
Whatever the outcome of this process for the Church of England, I feel it will have been worthwhile being part of it. It is heightening my awareness of the assumptions I still make and challenging me to think about what else I can do to be more inclusive and welcoming to all. The arc may be long, but it IS bending towards justice, and in the process by our actions, we are all ushering in God’s kingdom.
Community News
Bishop Jonathan’s Installation
Bishop Jonathan’s installation as the tenth Bishop of Portsmouth will take place in Portsmouth Cathedral at 3:30pm on Saturday 12th March. This will be a joyful occasion at which he will be formally robed as our new bishop and take his seat in our cathedral. The service will showcase some of his priorities – with the role of children and young people, and the importance of prayer both given prominence. It will also include a variety of styles of worship, to reflect the different styles seen in churches across our diocese.
We would love to welcome you all to attend this service, but of course that’s not possible. The cathedral has a certain capacity, which will be reduced to reflect the fact that Covid transmission will still be an issue in March. We hope that we can provide at least two places for every parish in our diocese and one place for every church school.
The installation service will be livestreamed by the cathedral and on the diocese’s Youtube and Facebook pages, by professional broadcasters. So we hope those who can’t attend can still sample the flavour of the occasion. Bishop Jonathan is also planning a series of other services at which you are welcome to meet him:
Sunday 13th March, 11am, Portsmouth Cathedral: Bishop Jonathan will preach and preside at Sung Eucharist, the morning after his installation.
Sunday 13th March, 3pm, Newport Minster: Bishop Jonathan will preach at Evensong and greet those on the island.
Deanery services: Bishop Jonathan plans to attend at least one service in each deanery in the first few weeks after his installation. These plans are still being finalised, and we’ll let know you as soon as they are.
On Sunday (30 Jan 2022) we wished Joan a happy 100th Birthday.
Happy 100th Birthday to Joan!
On Sunday 30th January, we concluded the 11:00am Eucharist with Happy Birthday being sung (with full choir and organ) for Joan Eddings, on her 100th Birthday. Joan and her GP husband set up their medical practice opposite the Cathedral, where she worked as a practice nurse and health visitor until family commitments took over. She hosted numerous events at the family home (weekly lunches for social workers) and as Chair of the local Girl Guide Association, organised an annual garden party fundraising event.
Joan worked all her adult life in a quiet, determined, and unassuming way for the benefit of the community. An active member of Rotary and Tangent, a JP and the founder of Help in Bereavement in Portsmouth, trainer and counsellor, hospice fundraiser for The Rowans, and a weekly volunteer in the hospice serving lunch to the patients. Not to mention Lunch Club Founder and Cook, still making her trademark shepherd pie at 90! The recipient of Maunday money from HM The Queen, awarded the MBE for her services to the Community, Joan also fitted in Cathedral book seller and Holy duster.
She is a smashing person, respected and loved by all, and her family say she enjoys a party and the occasional risqué joke!
Thank you, Joan, for all the years you have given to this community.
An update on face coverings
We are aware that Government Covid regulations have changed (from 27 January) and we regularly keep our own Cathedral policies under review, considering both Government and Church of England advice for our specific context. Face coverings are no longer required by law, but the government ‘suggests that you continue to wear a face covering in crowded and enclosed spaces where you may come into contact with people you do not normally meet’.
At the Cathedral we will continue (for the time being at least) to encourage the wearing of face coverings and social distancing, while warmly welcoming all who come, including those who do not wish to wear coverings. The ministry team will continue to wear face coverings when moving around the building.
Confirmation classes
In preparation for the Confirmation service to be held in the Cathedral on Easter Eve, Confirmation classes for children and young people will be held on Sundays at 3:00pm, starting on 27 February, and continuing on 6, 13, 20 and 27 March, and 10 April. All those wishing to explore Confirmation are welcome.
Please contact ourCathedral Curate, Catherine, for further details. Any adults wishing to be confirmed, please contactCanon Kathryn.
Open Table Network
The parish of Holy Trinity with St Columba, Fareham, is hosting a meeting to consider plans to create a new worshipping community that affirms LGBT+ people. The idea is that Holy Trinity Church will host this new worshipping community as part of the Open Church Network. Anyone is welcome to join the discussion, which will take place in Holy Trinity church hall, from 2:00pm-4:00pm on Saturday 5 February.
For more details, contact the Revd Wendy May Jacobswendymay.jacobs@htscf.org.uk
Farewell to Peter Leonard
Many in our Cathedral community remember our former Acting Dean and Canon Chancellor Peter Leonard, who has been serving as Archdeacon of the Isle of Wight in recent years. Archdeacon Peter will soon be leaving our diocese as to take up the role of Chief Executive Officer of national charity Family Links. Peter will be preaching at the Cathedral at Evensong on 6 February and there will be an opportunity to offer thanks and good wishes to him, Mark and their family at 3:30pm on Sunday 27 February in All Saints, Ryde.
Contributions to a leaving present can be made by cheque (payable to: Portsmouth DBF) or by bank BACS transfer to sort code: 20-12-83, account number: 40431761, account name: The Portsmouth Diocesan Board of Finance No 1 with the reference CRE021 and the name of your parish (where appropriate) by 18 February.
If using BACS please also email to accounts@portsmouth.anglican.org with details of the amount transferred and that it is for the leaving present
Committee Meetings
The Fabric Advisory Committee met on Tuesday. Unfortunately, Tom Ashley, Senior Cathedrals Officer and Deputy Secretary of the Cathedrals Fabric Commission for England (CFCE) had to postpone his trip to the Cathedral so will now attend the June meeting of FAC. FAC discussed the recent Fire Risk assessment, 2030 Carbon Neutral ambitions, repairs and maintenance in light of the Quinquennial review, the updating of the Conservation Management Plan and the upcoming recruitment of a new Cathedral Archaeologist
Chapter met on Friday and discussed the upcoming Peer Review. The meeting included a presentation from and discussion with Alex McCallion, Director of Works & Precinct of York Minster, about their recent works. This formed part of Chapter‘s ongoing reflection on ways to mark our centenary as a cathedral 2027.
Places available to join the 12th Portsmouth Rainbows and Brownies
Portsmouth Cathedral hosts the 12th Portsmouth Rainbows and Brownies in our community space Becket Hall on Monday evenings. Weekly activities give girls the chance to try new things, have adventures and develop confidence and skills for life through fun games and activities. Currently there are spaces for girls aged 4–7 to join Rainbows, and girls aged 7–10 to join Brownies.
To register your interest, visit the Girlguiding website and select ‘12th Portsmouth (Cathedral)’ as your unit choice.
Worship and Visiting
Portsmouth Cathedral is open daily for prayer, services and visiting. Booking is not required for services, unless otherwise indicated. You can find out more on our website, where you can also download orders of service.
We continue to take every precaution to reduce the spread of coronavirus. Government guidance on wearing face coverings were relaxed on 27 January, but coverings are still recommended in crowded and indoor spaces where you may come into contact with people you do not normally meet. We therefore continue to recommend wearing a face covering whilst inside the Cathedral, including when singing as part of the congregation, unless you are medically exempt. We also recommend you remain at a safe distance from other groups.
Further information can be found on our Covid-19 information page.
Prayers and Intercessions
All those affected by COVID-19.
We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Beverley, Richard, Jane, Alan, Stan, Amanda, Wendy, Derek, Denise, Debbie, Jane, William, Patricia, and all those in need.
Long-term sick including: Alison, Christopher, Clifford, Jane, Johnny, Melissa, Jenny, Suzy, Sarah, Bob, Michael, Rita, Izzy, Meriel, Graeme, Clare, Libby, Hilary, and Andrew.
We pray for those who have died recently: Jenni Flynn, Hildegard Lowe, Keith Burnham, and John Hopkinson RIP.
Upcoming Services & Events
Getting in touch
Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!
Get in touch with us by email to pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.