About us > Carbon Footprint > Eco Church
Eco Church
Eco Church is an A Rocha UK project, run in partnership with Christian Aid, the Church of England, the Methodist Church and Tearfund.
Eco Church's free online survey and supporting resources are designed to equip churches to express care for God’s world in worship and teaching; in how buildings and land are looked after; in how churches engage with their local community and in global campaigns, and in the personal lifestyles of church congregations. The vision is for churches of all denominations to care for creation as an integral part of loving their neighbours and following God faithfully.
We joined Eco Church in late 2016 coinciding with our annual theme for 2017 “All Things Bright and Beautiful” - exploring ecology and environment through science, faith and the arts. During the course of the theme year we organised and hosted a series of events related to the environment and impact of climate change.
We achieved an Eco Church Bronze award in 2016 and a Silver award in 2023. As part of our Eco Church commitment we seek to reduce our buildings energy carbon footprint by 5% per annum and have consistently achieved this since 2016. As part of this initiative we have introduced awareness notices in Cathedral House encouraging users to switch off lights, keep radiators turned down and draw curtains. The award scheme is, however, not just about responsible energy use. In 2019, we commenced a wildflower planting box scheme on the south side of the Cathedral. Our memorial garden incorporates wildlife friendly measures such as bird boxes and a log pile for bugs.
With the kind permission of Eco Church/A Rocha we have incorporated their logos in good housekeeping awareness notices in Becket Hall encouraging people to switch off lights and turn down heating thermostats after finishing activities.