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Support a Chorister
Being a chorister at Portsmouth Cathedral is an experience that will last a lifetime.
Music is at the heart of the Cathedral’s worship; every year 50 choristers sing with the prestigious Portsmouth Cathedral Choirs as part of our regular choral services. The chorister experience includes regular vocal coaching, participating in professional recordings, and regular international tours. Being a chorister is a unique musical education and formative experience, improving young people’s confidence, teamwork and collaboration.
Our choir is open to boys and girls through open audition. There are no charges to be a member.
It costs £900 a year to train each chorister. Will you give a young person this unique opportunity?
Will my gift support a particular chorister?
Yes, your gift will support the costs of training a particular chorister. However, for confidentiality and to ensure equity between our choristers, we will not share their name with you.
How will I know my gift is making a difference?
We will share a regular update on the progress of all our choristers, including their own stories about their experiences. We will also invite you to an annual service to hear our choristers in action.
Can I choose to support a boy or girl chorister?
Yes you can. Please make the relevant selection above.