The care of God’s Earth is a core value for all Christians. Over the month of September, we are taking the time to reflect on some of the practical things we each can do to conserve the environment (and lower our energy bills) culminating in our Harvest Sunday services on the 24 September 2023 which will include a visit from the City’s Energy Services team to provide practical tips.
Read MoreAs a Thank you to the Lunch Club Members for their dedicated support over the past year, the team will be providing a ‘High Tea’ style Lunch on Monday, July 17 July.
Read MoreBishop Jonathan has announced that the Rev Harriet Neale-Stevens has been appointed as Canon Chancellor and Vice Dean of Portsmouth Cathedral.
Read MoreWe are excited to reveal our new brand identity, which marks an important milestone in the history of Portsmouth Cathedral! We have spent the last eight months refreshing and redesigning our visual identity,
Read MoreWe are delighted to be running our first market of the year on Monday, 29 May. We are looking for local creatives, crafters and makers who would like to trade at this market.
Read MoreAs the Cathedral reviews our governance and operations in preparation for our registration as a charity under the new Cathedrals Measure, Chapter, following professional advice, we have taken the decision to place lay safeguarding responsibility under the care of Liz Hastings, the Cathedral’s designated professional safeguarding lead.
Read MoreMore dates have been released for a unique yoga experience in the beautiful and peaceful setting of Portsmouth Cathedral. Led by experienced yoga instructor Kat Waters, these classes will help you to improve your flexibility, strength, and balance, while also providing a much-needed opportunity to relax and de-stress.
Read MoreAs the Cathedral reviews our governance and operations in preparation for our registration as a charity under the new Cathedrals Measure, Chapter, following professional advice, we have taken the decision to place lay safeguarding responsibility under the care of Liz Hastings, the Cathedral’s designated professional safeguarding lead.
Read MorePortsmouth Cathedral is pleased to announce new extended opening times, starting from Saturday 1st April 2023. The Cathedral will be open from 9:00am to 6:30pm on Mondays to Fridays, 9:00am to 4:00pm on Saturdays, and 8:00am to 6:30pm on Sundays.
Read MoreShe has inspired generations of children to explore the heritage and history of Portsmouth Cathedral – and still contributes hugely to its life in retirement.
Read MoreRachael our Volunteer Co-ordinator shares an update on the recent Cathedral Christmas Fair, thank you to all those who volunteered at or donated items to the Christmas Fair, which this year raised over £5,300 to support the ministry of the Cathedral.
Read MoreRachael our Volunteer Co-ordinator shares an update on the recent Cathedral Christmas Fair, thank you to all those who volunteered at or donated items to the Christmas Fair, which this year raised over £5,300 to support the ministry of the Cathedral.
Read MoreThe members of our Lunch Club were treated to an extra special Christmas meal of turkey and all the trimmings, at the final Lunch Club date for 2022, last Monday (12 December).
Read MoreVolunteer Co-ordinator, Rachael shares a short blog ahead of this weeks Christmas Fair. on Saturday (10 Dec)…
Read MoreOn Wednesday night (30 November 2023) Cathedral Council received the 2023 budget that had previous been approved by Chapter.
Read MoreFrom Monday 28 November, Portsmouth Cathedral will be welcoming all to a ‘Warm Space’ in Becket Hall. Open Mondays (until the end of March 2023) from 10:00am to 3:30pm.
Read MorePortsmouth Cathedral will come under the new Cathedrals Measure in late summer 2023. This is a major piece of work as we review and then renew our governance structures, policies, and procedures, as part of these changes, realignments have been made in our staff structures.
Read MoreA welcome return of the annual Family Barn Dance in support of the Portsmouth Cathedral Choir Association (PCCA) takes place on Saturday, 15 October starting at 6:30pm in the Nave.
Read MoreThe College of Canons met recently to receive the 2021 Financial Accounts and to hear reports on the many activities happening here at the Cathedral.
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