This Sunday 20th May, also Pentecost Sunday, we celebrated our annual city service attended by the Lord Mayor of Portsmouth, City Councillors, and other civic dignitaries. You can listen to this short special service in its entirety here, including the sermon by the Dean of Portsmouth, the Very Reverend David Brindley.
Read MoreThe Canon Chancellor, the Reverend Peter Leonard, preaches on this final Sunday of Easter and on the third annual global, ecumenical prayer movement – "Thy Kingdom Come"
Read MoreThe Dean of Portsmouth, The Very Reverend David Brindley, preaches on Ascension Day.
Read MoreCanon Anthony Rustell in his sermon preaches on this penultimate Sunday of Easter and the tradition of the perambulation of parish boundaries.
Read MoreThe Dean of Portsmouth, the Very Reverend David Brindley, preaches at our Sunday Eucharist on this Fifth Sunday of Easter.
Read MoreCathedral Reader, Kitty Price, preached at our 10.30 Eucharist, Sunday 15th April, the Third Sunday of Easter.
Read MoreThe Dean of Portsmouth, the Very Reverend David Brindley, reflects on time, past and present in: "We shall not cease from exploration"
Read MoreMonday of Holy Week - Address and Compline
Read MoreCathedral Curate, the Reverend Matt Bray reflects on the start of Passiontide this the Fifth Sunday of Lent.
Read MoreCanon Anthony Rustell speaks of "Temptations" on this the First Sunday of Lent.
Read MoreCanon Anthony Rustell preaches about ‘Refreshment Sunday’ as it is half way through Lent and allows a break in this traditional season of fasting.
Read MoreThe Revd Dr Ruth Tuschling talks about "The Soul in Time"
Read MoreKitty Price, Cathedral Reader, preaches about the story of Abraham from Genesis and Mark's Gospel.
Read MoreCanon Nick Ralph talks about the Transfiguration from Mark's Gospel (Chapter 9, verses 2 - 9) and shining brightly.
Read MoreCanon Peter reflects on the Baptism of Christ and being a time traveller.
Read MoreOur Canon Chancellor reflects on the arrival of the Wise Men to visit the Christ Child.
Read MoreWe have just heard the most fascinating gospel reading. It seems quite harsh in some respects but understanding the context will help us to understand better what it means. Jesus was telling the parable on what was only his second day in Jerusalem. In other words, this was the day after his triumphal entry into the city on a donkey and a few days before his arrest and crucifixion. He was in the temple and it was all just beginning to come to a head. In the verse immediately preceding the ones that we just had read, we heard how the chief priests and Pharisees were unhappy with Jesus and already wanted to arrest him, but they didn’t dare because they feared the crowd and the crowd regarded Jesus as a prophet. That is actually what we were told at the end of last week’s gospel reading.
Read MoreI know that some teachers are back at school, on inset days, ready for the start of the school term. Parents are madly buying new bits for school uniforms and the inevitable new shoes as their children continue to grow at the most inconvenient times. Yes, term is about to begin and that signals the end of the school holidays; well it does unless you are going to university and you have a few more weeks. And then there are those who are just waiting for the school holidays to end so they can go away.
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