Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | Sunday, 2 July

A reflection from Kitty Price

What is in a name?

Do you like your name? If you could pick a name, would you change it? How does your name shape your identity?

You will know me as Kitty, but my name is actually Katharine.

It is perhaps one of the most unusual of the many ways you can spell the name, and I was given it because it is the Greek spelling, and my father’s first degree was Classics. Very few people spell it correctly. I was born the day after St Catherine of Siena’s feast day (29th April), but I am neither saintly nor a mystic, I have not received stigmata or been made a doctor of the church. She was a homebird, just like me, resisting convent life, instead joining the Third Order of Saint Dominic. She cared for the poor and called for church reform. I admire her greatly.

Katharine means pure, which always makes me laugh. And I was born on a Tuesday, and Tuesday’s child is full of grace, which makes me fall over laughing. As it happens, I am the only one of the offspring who was given an abbreviated name, giving me a special club of one in the family. My middle name is Anne, named after my aunt who died very young of cancer. I see it as my duty to carry the name to keep her memory alive as long as I live, even if I don’t have children to pass the name onto. Anne means grace, so maybe I should not laugh, but rather celebrate that God needs to be very patient with me and show me much grace for the times I get uppity and outspoken?

We are the Cathedral Church of St Thomas of Canterbury. What does his life have to show us? He changed for an opulent luxury-living chancellor to a pious archbishop whose duty was to Christ alone. He was severe and immovable. And this was costly even before he paid with his life. Made a saint a few years after his martyrdom in 1170, there were over 700 miracles attributed to Becket.

How does the life and martyrdom of Becket shape us as a community of faith? It is not very likely that we will have to die for our faith; and I cannot empathise with the turmoil of duty to King and Church as a chancellor, but Becket does offer us some insight into the human condition. He encourages us to speak out for the issues we think are important, to love the Church in all its foibles and frustrations; that there is an inner struggle to become a faithful disciple of Christ; that you make mistakes, and you can change. When Jean de Gisors gave land to build a chapel “to the glorious honour of the martyr Thomas of Canterbury”, we were the first to have him as a patron saint.

I give thanks for the life of the cathedral, the life of St Thomas, St Catherine and all company of heaven. Amen.

Kitty Price

Cathedral Reader

Community News

Season of Generosity 2023

This Sunday sees the beginning of the Season of Generosity, an annual period where we invite everyone from our cathedral community to consider their giving. Over the coming weeks we will be sharing how your generosity helps make a difference not only for Portsmouth Cathedral, but also for charities both in our local community and around the world.

We also invite you to consider whether you can support our work with a new or increased regular gift. Donations of all sizes make a real difference and are very gratefully received.

We’ll be sending a letter explaining more about the Season of Generosity, to the Cathedral community. You will also be able to pick one up at the Cathedral from Monday.

You can also learn more about how your gift makes a difference, and why your continued support is so vital, by visiting portsmouthcathedral.org.uk/generosity

Thank you for your support.

Good Wishes to our 2023 Choir Leavers

This week marks the end of the Choir Year. We give thanks for all that we've been able to achieve and thank a number of singers (including our Gappers) as they move on to new things.

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Lunch Club Music & High Tea and Autumn Dates

As a thank you to the Lunch Club Members for their dedicated support over the past year, the team will be providing a ‘High Tea’ style Lunch on Monday, July 17 July.

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Casting Call: "Curiosities of the Cathedral Library" Immersive Theatre Piece

We are seeking talented actors to bring the captivating characters of "Curiosities of the Cathedral Library" to life in an immersive theatre experience set within Portsmouth Cathedral.

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Leavers’ services

Hundreds of 11-year-olds who are preparing to leave their church primary schools came to special Leavers’ Services in our cathedral over the past four days. They took part in a series of workshops including singing, re-enacting the Coronation of HM the King and creating prayer pyramids during the day. They each then participated in a special service led by Bishop Jonathan, which included songs, prayers, African drumming and the presentation of candles. For more details, click here.

Shop Summer in the Portsmouth Cathedral Shop

Pop-in to our shop as our full range of summer gifts, books, homeware and more is now available. Find unique gifts including our own locally made ‘The Dean's Tipple Gin’, or catch up on some summer reading with a good book about Southsea and Portsmouth. Even the kids can learn more about our coastline through inspiring picture and activity books, games and crafts.

For the landlubbers, our range of bee and butterfly friendly seeds, seed cards and herb kits will keep your green fingers busy, alongside plenty of garden, woodland and wildlife gifts including build a bee hotel or an insect house. Come in and explore our new Summer range today, or shop online for delivery and in-store collection.

Shop online →

Out and About This Week

Dean Anthony attended the College of Deans meeting at Peterborough Cathedral on Tuesday.

Jane Jones-Warner (Chair of the Cathedral's Fabric Advisory Committee), Ronald Rabbetts (Churchwarden and Chapter member) and our Chief Operating Officer, Richard Abraham attended the Net Zero conference at Church House, London on Friday, 30 June 2023. 

The findings of the recent QODA Decarbonisation reports of the 42 English Cathedrals, funded by the Church Commissioners, were presented.  Historic England also outlined steps necessary to decarbonise the Church's historic assets.  Case studies from four Cathedrals were presented with Richard presenting outcomes and future plans on behalf of Portsmouth.

Richard says, “It was a great day and amazing to hear both about the work that the Church is doing in this area, but also the positive steps we are taking to lead the way toward Net Zero in our historic buildings. We remain grateful that as the results of the QODA study were being finalised, the Commissioners granted 50% funding for us to undertake a Heating Feasibility study (one of only five cathedrals so funded).  This study is an important  step to the replacement of the Cathedral’s heating system that will be necessary in the next few years as the boiler-based system nears the end of its useful life.”

And finally on Thursday (29 June) our Events Manager, Jemima, participated in the Pompey in the Community inclusion meeting to update participants on the wider engagement and events work she is leading at the Cathedral.

Pompey in the Community is the charity of Portsmouth Football Club designed to harness the motivational power of Portsmouth Football Club to promote education, healthy living, sporting participation and achievement amongst participants of all ages.

Summer Visiting Choirs

We are pleased to be welcoming several visiting choirs to Portsmouth Cathedral over summer months - these include Farnham Pilgrims Choir, The City of London Chamber Choir, St Martin's Epsom, Wells Cathedral Chamber Choir, The Cranmer Company of Singers and Peterborough Chamber Choir.

These choirs spend much money and effort to be with us for long weekends and we are immensely grateful for all that they do for us during our own choirs' summer leave.

The Revd Canon Professor Jamie Hawkey

Jamie was one of the first Choral Scholars here in 1997-98, and was then ordained to serve as a Curate at St Mary’s Portsea. Jamie is now Canon Theologian of Westminster Abbey and will be returning to Portsmouth Cathedral as the guest preacher for our Patronal Festival on Sunday 2 July at 11:00am, which will be attended by the Worshipful Company of Constructors'.

Whether you remember Jamie or not from his time here, do come and meet him and celebrate our patron St Thomas of Canterbury with us - before our Choir year comes to an end. 

Fabric Advisory Committee

The next meeting of the FAC will be held this Thursday, 6 July.  The committee will take an informal walkround of the Cathedral and Green and receive updates on works in the Cathedral and the Cathedral Inventory.

See the agenda on our downloads page.

Nominations Committee

Portsmouth Cathedral has begun the planning to implement the Cathedrals Measure (2021). This brings all Church of England cathedrals in England under Charity Commission regulation, in addition to the jurisdiction of the Church Commissioners, and strengthens governance and operational frameworks.  

View the Cathedrals Measure FAQs on our website.

The new Chapter will be supported by several subsidiary committees, one of which will be a new Nominations Committee, chaired by Sir David Normington, which will advise on the recruitment of non-executive members of the new Chapter along with other Chapter Committees.

Portsmouth Cathedral is looking to recruit members of this new Nominations Committee to serve in this important role. We would particularly welcome people who have senior level experience in recruitment and in creating diverse and inclusive boards and committees in the public, private or charitable sectors.  It is envisaged that the committee will meet two or three times a year and that members will serve a three year term of office. Could one of these members, be you? 

Read the Role Description on our careers page.

Request – have you got a mannequin?

Please get in touch with us if you have a good quality dress mannequin, preferably with a head for an upcoming exhibition we’re looking to host.

Email info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or call our offices if you think you may be able to help. Thank you.

Worship & visiting

Every day, Portsmouth Cathedral is open for worship, prayer, and visiting. Unless otherwise specified, services do not require booking. Our website contains orders of service as well as information about visiting the Cathedral.

Service of Healing and Wholeness

On the first Wednesday of the month at 12:00pm we celebrate a Eucharist of Healing and Wholeness with anointing in St Thomas' Chapel. This service provides a quiet space with Holy Communion to pray for those who are sick or struggling in any way. There is the opportunity to be anointed with oil and time for prayer ministry with one of our ministry team.

The next service is on Wednesday 5 July at midday. We look forward to seeing you there.

Licensing of Readers and Lay Ministers

Chris Nicol, our former Churchwarden, will join the Cathedral Ministry Team following his licensing at the Licensing Service to be held 11:00am on Saturday 1 July.  Please come and support him.

Prayers & Intercessions

We pray for all those being licensed this weekend -

  • Vicky Evans (Reader, St Andrew’s, Hayling Island)

  • Chris Nicol (Reader, Portsmouth Cathedral)

  • Katie Moritz (pioneer lay minister, St Faith’s, Lee-on-the-Solent).

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community:  Joseph, Mathai, Jeff, Nuno, Edward, Chris, Janet, Piers, Beatrix, Richard, Carol, Ian, Godfrey and all those in need. 

Long-term sick, including:  Anne,  Giles, Alistair, Yvonne, Renee, Beverley, Rachel, Sophie, John, Graeme, Peter, Rosemary, Suzy, Sarah, Alison, Jill, and Jude. 

Those who have died, including: Alan Williamson (Cathedral funeral 11:00am Tuesday 4 July), Canon Jane Isaac, Richard, Andrew Geitzen RIP

Jane Isaac RIP

Many of our Cathedral family will remember Jane Isaac, who for 21 years supported husband Canon David in his role on the Chapter here and bringing up their son Thomas. It is with great sadness, Bishop Jonathan has informed us that Canon Jane Isaac, rector of Shedfield and Wickham, died peacefully at  Queen Alexandra Hospital in Portsmouth last week. As a community of communities, we hold her David and Thomas in our prayers and thoughts. May she rest in peace, and rise in glory!

Alan Williamson RIP

Judith Williamson would like to thank all those from the Cathedral Community who have sent the wonderful messages of support to her following Alan’s death.

Upcoming Services & Events

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Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

Have news or story you’d like to share? Submit a notice 📰

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