Portsmouth Cathedral

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Weekly Notices | Sunday, 31 October 2021

A reflection from Canon Nick

It is that time of year when the clocks change and the nights begin to draw in. I was down to do the Sunday 8am when we lost the hour in March and I am on again for the 8am this Sunday when we gain the hour back! We are entering what I still refer to as the Kingdom season, the season of All Saints, All Souls and Remembrance. The blood red colour reminds us that many, though not all, of the saints died for their faith.

This is the time when we remember everyone – saints in heaven and saints on earth, and, at the end of Black History Month, saints of all colours. The kingdom of God is nothing if not fully equal and fully inclusive, and we need to be also. We may not be there yet, and some parts of the Anglican communion feel further away than ever on this right now, but there is no doubt that we will all be united in heaven and for that to happen, there will inevitably be a width of belief amongst the faithful. I was particularly struck this week by this great quote from a great author, thinker, leader:

 “The test of faith is whether I can make space for difference. Can I recognise God’s image in someone who is not in my image, whose language, faith, ideal are different from mine? If I cannot, then I have made God in my image instead of allowing him to remake me in his.”

 Rabbi Jonathan Sacks (1948 – 2020), The Dignity of Difference, 2004

Canon Nick Ralph
Residentiary Canon

Dean Anthony joins senior Diocesan colleagues in responding to the situation in Ghana.

 Dean Anthony writes: Portsmouth Cathedral is proud to be a member of Inclusive Church, and therefore a church which celebrates and affirms every person and does not discriminate on any grounds whatsoever, including economic power, ethnicity or sexuality. We are also proud of our longstanding links with the Anglican Church in Ghana, and in particular the diocese of Sunyani.

 It was with great sadness, therefore, that I read the recent statement by the Ghanaian House of Bishops encouraging support for a draft piece of legislation that, if passed, would lead to imprisonment for anyone who identifies as gay or transgender. This would not only be a fundamental abuse of human rights, but a direct affront to the teaching and example of Jesus in affirming the dignity and value of all people, especially those subject to discrimination.

 Our bishop-designate, Bishop Jonathan Frost, our commissary bishop, Bishop Rob Wickham, and the senior staff of the Diocese of Portsmouth, of which I am one, have jointly issued the following statement:

 “As a diocese, we have long-standing, formal links with the Anglican Church in Ghana, which we value. However, we are dismayed to hear that the country’s Anglican bishops have thrown their weight behind the ‘Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values’ Bill. We are seeking urgent conversations with our colleagues in Ghana to ask why - not least in the light of the communique signed by all Anglican Primates in 2016, in which they pledged to reject criminal sanctions against members of the LGBT+ community, and to challenge homophobia.

We strongly oppose the bill currently being considered by the Ghanaian Parliament, which proposes imprisonment of members of the LGBT+ community for being who they are, and to criminalise those who wish to support them. We believe this to be a fundamental violation of people’s human rights, which we believe will lead to state-sponsored violence that will threaten the lives of those in the LGBT+ community and their friends. As Christians, we also believe this stigmatises people in a way that does not affirm the value of each person as a unique individual, created in God’s image.

We are committed to our relationship with our Anglican brothers and sisters in Ghana, and there is much mutual respect. Our close relationship prompts us to challenge each other as fellow disciples of Jesus Christ, sharpening each other’s thinking and speaking up against injustice in our respective countries.”

COP26 Prayer Resources in the Cathedral

 Ahead of the COP26 summit, there will be a display of prayer resources and other material for reflection in the Chapel of Healing and Reconciliation in the Cathedral for the next four weeks. Additional items will be added each week, highlighting the issues of climate change and the ways we can help preserve our environment, to focus our prayers for the world leaders who will attend the Glasgow summit between 31 October and 12 November.  

Current vacancies in our staff team

We are currently recruiting for two new colleagues; a Visitor Experience and Volunteer Manager (which is fully funded by a grant from the Cathedral Sustainability Fund) and an Assistant Verger and Precincts Officer. A new 3-4 day Administrative Assistant will be also be advertised shortly.

Please help us to find some brilliant candidates by sharing these roles with your family, friends and wider networks.

For details of our current staff and volunteer opportunities see our careers page for further information.

Curating the exhibition 'Thomas Becket – Murder and making of a saint’ | Thursday 4 November 7:00pm in the Cathedral Nave.

Tickets are still available for this talk by British Museum curator Dr Naomi Speakman on the curation of the recent exhibition about the life and murder of Thomas Becket, to whom our cathedral is dedicated.

A cash bar will be available and all proceeds support the Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral.

Tickets: Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral £7.50, non-members £10.00.

Book a ticket online

The event is preceded by choral Evensong from 5:45pm – 6:30pm which everyone is welcome to join.

Roberts Centre: family friends for Christmas

This Christmas, help a family in need by buying gifts for children who would not otherwise receive any. This fantastic scheme is run by the Roberts Centre, who the Cathedral supports through our outward giving scheme, and makes a real difference to families in our city who are experiencing hardship.

If you would like to contribute, please contact Tara.Couper@robertscentre.org.uk or phone her on 023 9229 6919.

Food Bank Donations

In addition to usual donations of dried and tinned food, the Roberts Centre is in need of cleaning products. If you can help, please leave any donations in the box in the Cathedral welcome area. Thank you.

Reflection from the Revd Wendy May Jacobs

We were delighted to welcome Wendy May Jacobs, Assistant Curate at Holy Trinity and St Columba in Fareham, for a two-week curacy placement earlier this month. Wendy May has written very movingly about her experience of cathedral worship for the Irish Times.

Read Wendy May’s article here →

Worship and Visiting

Portsmouth Cathedral is open daily for prayer, services and visiting. Booking is no longer required for services, unless otherwise indicated. You find out more on our website and download orders of service.

We continue to take every precaution to reduce the spread of coronavirus, including encouraging the wearing of face-coverings, checking in with the NHS Covid-19 app and remaining at a safe distance from other groups. Further information can be found our Covid-19 information page.

Please note the Quire will be closed from 11:45am to 1:00pm on Tuesday 2 November for the annual Service of Remembrance for Queen Alexandra’s Royal Naval Nursing Service which takes place at midday.

Sunday 31 October

A reminder that the clocks go back one hour this Saturday night. Do enjoy the extra hour of sleep before our Sunday services.

All Souls

All Souls is an opportunity for us to remember and give thanks for those we love but see no more. This year there are two services for All Souls.

On Sunday, 31 October, 5:45pm we will be holding a reflective Eucharist, with beautiful music, prayers and readings, at which we shall remember those who have died, especially during this past year. The music will include the Requiem by Gabriel Fauré, sung by the Cathedral Consort. The names of the departed from the past year, and others who are being remembered, will be read out and everyone is invited to light a candle in memory of loved ones. If you would like a someone remembered at this service, please fill in the form by the Welcome Desk in the Cathedral by 3:00pm on Sunday 31 October.

There will be another opportunity to remember the departed, on Tuesday, 2 November at 5:45pm, when the Cathedral Choir will sing the Duruflé Requiem. At this service, the names will not be read out aloud, but everyone will be invited to light a candle for those they have loved and name them before God as they do so.

This invitation is open to anyone who might find either of these services helpful, and if you know of others who would like to attend, please do let them know.

Cathedral Toddler Group

Our Cathedral Toddler Group meets at 2:00pm on Wednesdays in school term times. The group starts in St Thomas’ Chapel in the Cathedral for a story, songs and prayers, and then goes across to Becket Hall for refreshments and play.

 Our current group includes a six-week-old baby and a range of toddlers up to school age. If you are (or know of) a parent/carer with a young child, do come along. You will be warmly welcomed.

Prayers and Intercessions

All those affected by COVID-19.

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Trevor, Derek, Clare, Mervyn, Beverley, Richard, Aaron, Jane, Alan, Libby, Lesley, Hilary, David, Stan, Andrew, Jean, Amanda, and all those in need.

Long-term sick including: Alison, Graeme, Christopher, Clifford, Jane, Johnny, Melissa, Jenny, Suzy, Sarah, Bob, Michael, Rita and Izzy.

We pray for those who have died recently: Peter Nichols, Jeffery Bell, Jeannette Dowle, Tony Allen, and Angela Carpenter RIP.

A prayer for COP26:

God of creation,
we thank you for the wonderful world you have given us:
help us to see the world through your eyes,
and to work together to return the world
to a place where all life thrives;
where waters run clear and rain quenches the thirst of our crops;
where the wind brings freshness and changes of weather;
where ice holds back the floods;
where sun and moon continue to light up our lives,
and where the rainbow marks your promise of love
and holds us together in our diversity.

Upcoming Services & Events

Last chance to visit the ‘Halabja: In the Golden Days’ exhibition | Daily until 3 November

Before it was the target of a devastating chemical weapons attack by the Iraqi Army in 1988, Halabja was renowned for its beauty and place as a centre of Kurdish culture. In this major new exhibition, Gulan presents a colourful celebration of Kurdish culture including costumes, jewellery and a landmark new art commission installed in the cathedral nave. Do look out for some wonderful new Kurdish items in the shop.

‘Halabja: in the Golden Days’ is part of the Journeys Festival International 2021 and is free to visit.

Learn more →

Final Eco Discussion Group | Tuesday 2 November at 7:00pm

In anticipation of the COP26 summit, we are studying Ruth Valerio’s book Saying Yes to Life  which is available from the Cathedral Shop. For this final session, we will be looking at Chapter 6, ‘Let the land produce living creatures,’ and the Conclusion. 

For security Zoom links are sent via email, sign up to our weekly Cathedral Notices newsletter to get them direct to your inbox.

Lunchtime Live - Angelina Kopyrina | 4 November 1:10pm in the Cathedral

Delight in our weekly recitals live from the Cathedral featuring members of the Cathedral Music Department, and special guest artists. This week we welcome back local pianist Angelina Kopyrina, who previously gave two stunning recitals at the Cathedral in the brief window between lockdowns in 2020.

This recital is free, donations are welcomed.

Curating the exhibition 'Thomas Becket – Murder and making of a saint’ | Thursday 4 November 7:00pm in the Cathedral Nave.

This talk, arranged by the Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral, will provide an insight into the recent British Museum exhibition which told the story of Becket’s remarkable life, death and legacy, from his origins in London over 900 years ago up to attempts to obliterate his cult under the Tudors. Curator Dr Naomi Speakman will explore how this show brought Becket’s story to life and will delve into some of the highlight objects on display.

Friends of Portsmouth Cathedral £7.50, non-members £10,00.

Book a ticket online →

Thanksgiving for the life of Shirley Grayson-Smith RIP

There will be an opportunity during Choral Evensong at 5:45pm on Friday 12 November to join with Shirley's family and friends as we give thanks for her life and her contribution to the Cathedral. We continue to hold Ivor and her family in our prayers.

Portsmouth Grammar School Remembrance Concert | 13 November 2021 at 7:00pm

Join the musicians of The Portsmouth Grammar School along with the London Mozart Players and a host of soloists for this beautiful and moving concert for Remembrance. The programme includes Mozart’s Requiem. Tickets are £10, £5 for concessions and under 7s free.

Find out more →

Remembrance Sunday | 14 November 2021

Please join us for Mattins at 10:50am on Remembrance Sunday when we remember all those who have died or been affected by war and conflict. A Eucharist will replace Choral Evensong at 5:45pm.

Our bells will ring a traditional half-muffled peal after the morning service.

Portsmouth Deanery course – the Pastoral Principles | 16 November – 14 December 2021

In preparation for the Living in Love and Faith course, which is our opportunity to explore matters of human sexuality, we invite you to participate in a five session Zoom course on the Church of England’s Pastoral Principles for living well together. 

The course will be held on Tuesday evenings at 7:00pm from 16 November to 14 December inclusive and open to all churches from our Deanery. The Pastoral Principles underpin the LLF course, but have much broader application in forming a framework through which we can have meaningful and respectful conversations, including good disagreement. They are a stand-alone course, and you are welcome to join whether or not you intend to be part of the LLF process.

You can find out more, and download a pdf of the course booklet for free (or find out how to order a hard copy), here: The Pastoral Principles | The Church of England

Booking details will be available shortly.

Christmas Fair | 4 December 2021

Our volunteer-run Christmas Fair returns on Saturday, 4 December 2021. If you would like to volunteer or make things for the stalls, please email info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Getting in touch

Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Get in touch with us by email to pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or leave a message via phone on 023 9282 3300.

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