Five ways you can support Portsmouth Cathedral this Giving Tuesday
To mark this year’s Giving Tuesday, Sophie Henstridge-Brown, Head of Fundraising and Events, shares five ways that you might be inspired to be generous.
It is that time of year when it can seem that commercialism is taking over! Black Friday and Cyber Monday promote supposedly incredible discounts on products, which oftentimes turn out to be cheaper at other times of the year, and numerous adverts encourage us to believe that spending money is at the heart of Christmas. This year, these messages seem particularly jarring as living costs rise and charitable organisations continue to feel the huge financial impact of the coronavirus pandemic.
Giving Tuesday is a welcome response to this. Originating in the United States, Giving Tuesday is a global movement to encourage generosity and celebrate the incredible difference that charitable giving makes. Here are five ways you can help us this year.
Start giving a regular donation
If you are not yet a member of our planned giving schemes, consider committing to a regular donation.
Regular donations are vitally important as they give us much greater confidence about our future income, which in turn helps us to plan our mission and ministry more effectively and further in advance.
You can set up a regular donation easily and securely on our website, and choose any donation amount.
Celebrate the life of a loved one by giving a donation in memory
Gifts in Memory are a wonderful way to celebrate the life of a beloved family member or friend.
Gifts can be made online and you can choose to direct your support to our Grade 1 listed cathedral and heritage, to our music and liturgy, or where it is most needed. However you choose to support, your gift will help us to remain at the heart of our local community and be free and open to all who visit.
If you would like to support a pedestal of flowers in memory of a loved one, contact Sophie Henstridge-Brown directly to find out more.
Sign up for Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer you may be eligible to make your donations to Portsmouth Cathedral go even further by adding Gift Aid. For every £1 you donate, we can claim an additional 25p from the Government at no cost to you.
You can sign a Gift Aid declaration when you make any donation on our website. Alternatively, you can download and complete a Gift Aid declaration from our website, or request one by post from Sophie Henstridge-Brown.
Remember us in your will
Gifts in wills are worth £3bn to charities each year, and are a deeply personal way to leave a last legacy for the causes closest to your heart.
Leaving a gift in your will to Portsmouth Cathedral, after remember family and friends, will enable us to flourish well into the future. We welcome legacies of all sizes and use these gifts to fund the vision, mission and ministry of Portsmouth Cathedral today and tomorrow.
We know that including a gift to Portsmouth Cathedral in your will is deeply personal and some people prefer to keep their decision private. But if you have made the choice to include us in your will, we hope you will let us know so that we can thank you.
Be an advocate for generosity
Your generosity can help to inspire others to consider their charitable giving.
Being an advocate could be a simple as being open with friends and family about your support of the Cathedral and other charities.
Alternatively you may know someone who has a family trust or workplace charity scheme which may consider supporting our outreach work.
Every act of generosity counts and everyone has something to give. We hope this blog gives you some ideas of ways you can support Portsmouth Cathedral’s mission and ministry.
Contact Sophie Henstridge-Brown, Head of Fundraising and Events, for a confidential conversation if you wish to find out more.