Holy Week 2022 Addresses 'Signs of Glory'
We are delighted to welcome Canon Tim Schofield as our Holy Week preacher this year. Ahead of Holy Week itself, see the full list of addresses as part of his ‘Signs of Glory’ sermon series.
Revd Canon Tim Schofield preaching at Chichester Cathedral | Credit: Chichester Cathedral
Palm Sunday Evensong: The Touchstone
Monday in Holy Week: The Fragrance of Christ
Tuesday in Holy Week: The Gaze of Love
Wednesday in Holy Week: The Listening Ear
Maundy Thursday: The Taste of Freedom
Good Friday Three Hours:
Address 1: The Still Centre (The White Crucifixion – Marc Chagall)
Address 2: The Power of the Cross (The Bound Lamb (Agnus Dei) – Francisco de Zurbaran)
Address 3: The Reconciliation of the Cross (The Prodigal Son – Pompeo Batoni)
Address 4: The Wisdom of the Cross (Jesus before Pilate – Nicolaes Maes)
Address 5: The Ecology of the Cross (The Rubbish Dump – George Warner Allen)
Address 6: The Victory of the Cross (Death where is thy victory? – R.O. Hodgell)
Easter Day Evensong: Glorious wounds