Portsmouth Cathedral

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Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 23 August Eleventh Sunday after Trinity

Welcome from the Canon Chancellor

The Percival family is currently entirely surrounded by boxes!  After many months of waiting and anticipation, we have finally moved house this week, and are so happy to be living in Portsmouth at last.  I can’t say, though, that moving itself is something I enjoy.  There’s something very odd about having all the trappings of your daily life boxed and taped and labelled.  It’s an emotional process watching your former home, with all its memories, being dismantled, and then of course once you’ve arrived, there’s the excitement of wondering where on earth the kettle is. 

The scenes on the news of migrants, on tiny boats at the mercy of the waves, and closer to home, the encounters we have with people who live on our streets, reinforce the fact that we’re incredibly fortunate to be people with a roof over our heads.  But from this privileged position, a moment of rootlessness and transition – a point when you can no longer take your surroundings for granted – is a stretching and challenging experience. 

In the book of Exodus, as God’s people are on the move, God is encountered, not under a roof, but in a tent – the ‘tent of meeting,’ pitched over the Ark of the Covenant.   This portable sanctuary is a place where God’s presence is made known in the midst of his people wherever they happen to be.

In the Greek of the New Testament, variations of the same word, skene, are used to describe, both this moving tabernacle, and the action of God in becoming incarnate:  ‘The word was made flesh,’ says St. John, ‘and pitched his tent among us.’  We love our homes and our church buildings and the solidity of the familiar, but the paradox of which I’ve been reminded afresh this week is that it’s the God who pitches his tent, who shows us what real stability is.

Our removal firm are currently supporting Cancer Research UK, and every one of our boxes carries the slogan:  Keep on moving and start making a difference to your health.  I pray that, even on that day when the boxes have gone and we’re all settled, I will be given the grace and discipline to hold on to the feeling of these in-between times, and keep on moving, secure in God’s love.

The Revd Canon Kathryn Percival
Canon Chancellor

Kathryn’s welcome can also be watched here.

Visiting the Cathedral

The Cathedral continues to be open daily from 10.00am to 2.00pm and on Sundays from 11.45pm to 2.00pm, thanks to the support of our volunteers. You can find more information about what to expect when you visit, including the safety measures we are taking here.

Holy Communion - Sunday 23 August

We look forward to welcoming you in person to the Cathedral on Sunday morning, when we will be holding four services of Holy Communion at 8.00am, 9.00am, 10.00am and 11.00am. Places can be pre-booked for all our Sunday morning services through Eventbrite.

Face coverings in the Cathedral

It is now necessary to wear a face covering when you are in the Cathedral for any purpose, unless you are exempt under the Government regulations. If you do have an exemption, please let us know when you arrive, as you will still be most welcome to enter the building.  Under both Church of England and Government guidance, those leading worship do not need to wear face coverings whilst they are leading the service, and others with speaking roles (for example, readers and leaders of intercessions) do not need to wear them while they are assisting with worship.  The presence of our Communion screens means that appropriate social distancing measures are maintained, without the need for face coverings to be worn by those administering the Sacrament.  When removing a face covering to receive Communion, we are encouraged to follow the following Church of England guidance:  Each communicant should extend their hands to receive Holy Communion, with face covering in place. They should then lower or unloop the face covering, consume the consecrated bread, and then replace the face covering before moving back to their place in the congregation.


With the latest easing of lockdown and announcement that choirs may sing, we are looking forward to when Choral Services will be able to recommence. Under the current Government regulation members of the congregation are still not permitted to sing.

Online worship


8.15am Morning Prayer                    
5.30pm Evening Prayer              


8.00am Holy Communion (BCP)
9.00am Holy Communion
5.30pm Evensong followed by online refreshments at 6.30pm

Compline is paused for the month of August returning on 1st September

How to join the services

You do not need to be a member of Facebook to join the services. Please use this link when the service is about to begin. You will see a prompt asking you to join Facebook; just click ‘not now’. Orders of service can be found on the Resources Section of our website here.

Order of Service for Sunday 23 August

The order of service for Eucharist on Sunday 23 August can be found here.

Sunday Refreshments via Zoom

Sunday Refreshments will be hosted on Zoom at 6.30pm. In order to maintain security details will be sent with our emailed notices.

Prayers and Intercessions

Cathedral Prayers

We pray for all those affected by COVID-19.

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Christopher, Clare, Sally, David, Bob, Derek, Nigel, Trevor, Izzy, Jenny, Des, (baby) Jonah, George, Clare, Bishop Peter Hancock, Florence, Alan and all those in need.

All those who have died: Renee Chilton, Jack Owens and Robin Spruce RIP.

To add someone to the prayer list, please email info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

In the notices this week:

  • Revision of Electoral Roll and Annual Parochial Church Meeting

  • Ride and Stride - Saturday 12 September 2020

  • Recruiting for a Digital Marketing Manager

  • Christmas Market 2020

  • Renee Chilton

  • Flowers

  • Congratulations

  • Online Resources

  • Supporting Portsmouth Cathedral

Revision of Electoral Roll and Annual Parochial Church Meeting

The Electoral Roll will be reviewed from Friday 14 to Friday 28 August. From this year the only details made public will be limited to title, initials and last name which are now on display in the Cathedral. If you are unable to come to the Cathedral at this time or are uncertain that we have the correct address for you, please contact the Cathedral Offices or the Electoral Roll Officer, Terry Ward twingb@yahoo.co.uk. The Electoral roll is the register of the church’s voting members which baptised adults (over 16 years) who live in the parish, or who have worshipped, or would have, regularly, at the Cathedral for at least six months are eligible to join.  Those who are not already on the Electoral Roll and qualify to join are encouraged to show their commitment to the Cathedral’s life and mission.  If you would like to join the Electoral Roll, a form is on the following link or please contact the Cathedral Office.

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting is scheduled to be held on Sunday 13 September. In the still evolving Covid-19 situation, we are awaiting further guidance from the Church of England and the Bishop on the conduct of this year’s delayed APCMs. At the moment, we are still planning to hold ours on Sunday 13 September at 12.30pm, but if the guidance is not received in time for the necessary notice periods to be given, it may need to be postponed.

Ride and Stride – Saturday 12 September 2020

The annual Ride and Stride will be taking place on Saturday 12 September, raising money for the Hampshire and the Islands Historic Churches Trust (HIHCT) which work to preserve our region’s historic churches and chapels of all denominations. The event invites people to walk, cycle, drive, ride or run to as many churches in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight as you wish in one day, whilst raising sponsorship money for the HIHCT.

Ride and Stride will go ahead this year, albeit with modifications to accommodate social distancing. Dean Anthony has already committed to cycling to as many churches on the Isle of Wight as possible!

If you would like to take part, information is available on the HIHCT website here. The easiest and safest way to collect donations is online via Virgin Money Giving here. We strongly recommend this option in light of Covid-19.

As well as raising funds for HIHCT, you can also nominate Portsmouth Cathedral to receive half of your sponsorship money and we do encourage you to consider this in the light of our challenging financial circumstances.

Please do let us know that you’ll be participating by emailing info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Recruiting for a new Digital Marketing Manager

Thanks to a new grant from the Cathedral Sustainability Fund designed to help Portsmouth Cathedral to become financially sustainable, we are advertising for a Digital Marketing Manager to join our team. This is an important role that will play a key part in delivering the forthcoming Vision and Strategy. We are looking for an enthusiastic and dedicated individual with the passion, drive and experience to manage marketing and communications.

To apply: please download the application pack on the Cathedral’s website and return your application (which should consist of a covering letter setting out what attracts you to the post and why you believe you are the person for it, an application form and a recruitment monitoring form) to vacancies@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.

Closing date for applications: 11.30pm Monday 31 August 2020

Interviews: week commencing 7 September 2020

Christmas Market 2020

Planning is underway for the Christmas Market on Saturday 5 December. We will be making a number of changes in light of current restrictions, including social distancing and a one way system. There will be fewer volunteer-run stalls and they will be spaced out.

For the first time we will welcome artists, makers and independent traders, with a strong focus on those local to the area. Partnership and engagement with the City and surrounding areas is a key part of the new Vision and Strategy, and we look forward to welcoming local, independent businesses to the event. The Dean has agreed that Cathedral-run stalls will be located in the Baptistery and Quire (but not St Thomas Chapel), and local traders will be in the Nave. Due to the focus on stalls selling goods, we will be calling the event a Christmas Market.

We know this is a departure from previous years. Feedback from our volunteer has been positive overall and we hope you will agree that it is a positive step forwards.

How can you help?

  • Volunteer – we will need extra volunteers this year in a number of roles including as a steward and helping to set up and take down the Market. If you’d like to volunteer at this year’s Market, please email Sophie.Henstridge-Brown@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

  • Make preserves – during this traditional season for preserve making, please do make jams, marmalades, honey, curds and chutneys for the Preserves stall.

  • Collect donations – of Christmas decorations and silk flowers for the Flower Guild stall, and bottles for the bottle tombola. Please set aside contributions at home and details of how to donate will be given closer to the time. Requests for baked goods will be made closer to the time.

  • Please note that this year we will not be inviting donations of books and CDs, clothes and jewellery, chocolate, children’s clothes and toys, china and glassware, toiletries and needlework.

Renee Chilton

Gerry Chilton would like to thank all those from the Cathedral Community who have sent the wonderful messages of support by card, letter and email to him and the family following Renee’s sudden death.


We are very grateful to Elisabeth and Stuart Hall for their generous support of the flowers this week, in thanks for their 51st wedding anniversary.


Congratulations to Sachin, our Sub-Organist, whose marriage to Hannah last Saturday was the first wedding to take place in the Cathedral since lockdown and to Nicky, our Finance Officer whose marriage to Sean took place on Friday 21 August. Contributions for presents can be sent through the Cathedral Offices as follows: for Sachin through Nicky Taylor and for Nicky through Liz Snowball.

Online Resources

A reminder that resources for prayer, worship, and family activities at home can be found on our website here

Supporting Portsmouth Cathedral

Give As You Live

Support Portsmouth Cathedral whilst doing your usual online shopping! Simply sign up to Give As You Live and Portsmouth Cathedral will receive a donation every time you shop through their website.

Sign up here and add ‘Portsmouth Cathedral Development Trust’ as your charity of choice. Do also set a donation reminder to remind you to shop via Give As You Live.

Ecclesiastical Trust130

Insurance provider Ecclesiastical are marking their 130th anniversary by donating £130 to a church or Cathedral when a new home insurance policy is taken out before 31 December 2020. If you decide to take a policy with Ecclesiastical this year, please take advantage of their Trust130 promotion and nominate Portsmouth Cathedral. You can find out more on their website here.

Regular Giving

Over past months we have been sharing some of the profound financial challenges that Portsmouth Cathedral faces. The Cathedral team has done everything possible to reduce expenditure and Chapter has approved revised budgets for 2020 and 2021 which see deep cuts of almost 40%. Even with such drastic measures, we will be unable to achieve balanced budgets and to continue our ministry in the way we aspire to without the support of our congregation.

We know many people are facing financially challenging circumstances. If you are able to, please consider making a new or increased regular or one-off donation to support our work. Every gift is hugely valued and very gratefully received. If you are a UK taxpayer, signing up for Gift Aid will enable us to claim an additional 25% of your donation from HMRC.

If you would like to talk about how your gift can make a difference, please contact our Head of Fundraising Sophie Henstridge-Brown on Sophie.Henstridge-Brown@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.

Getting in touch

We know that this is a lonely and anxious time for many people. Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

Over August, the Clergy and lay staff will be taking holiday. Please bear with us if it takes us longer to get back to you than usual.                                                                                                                                                 

The Dean: 023 9282 4400 or Anthony.Cane@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Canon Kathryn Percival: 023 9289 2967 or Kathryn.Percival@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Cathedral Curate, Catherine Edenborough: 023 9282 3300 extn 221 or Catherine.Edenborough@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk (Usual days at the Cathedral: Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday)

Messages can also be left on the Cathedral phone system 023 9282 3300 or by email to info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk or pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.