Portsmouth Cathedral

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Portsmouth Cathedral Notices Sunday 5 July Fourth Sunday after Trinity

Welcome from Canon Chancellor

850 Years ago next Tuesday, the body of Thomas Becket was moved from his tomb in the crypt of Canterbury Cathedral, where he had been murdered 50 years before, to a shrine in the Cathedral’s Trinity Chapel.  A small change of position, but an occasion of huge significance.  It mattered greatly to people that the life, death, and ongoing influence of Becket should be marked in this way.  The new shrine entailed distancing – people would have been able to get much closer to the old tomb – but, by emphasising his holiness, the shrine enabled a different kind of closeness, as prayer and pilgrimage took on ever greater significance.

During the years between Becket’s death and his body’s translation, something happened to which we can intimately relate: churches all over the land were closed.  The celebration of Mass and some other sacraments was stopped, churchyards were closed, funerals were forbidden, and no bell ringing was allowed.  The closure happened on exactly the same date in 1208 that our 21st Century lockdown happened:  23rd March.  This time, it wasn’t to do with health: it was imposed by the Pope to punish King John, over an argument reminiscent of the motives behind Becket’s murder – a wrangle over who should be Archbishop of Canterbury.  This closure went on for six years, until 1214.  And historical evidence suggests that, as in our own day, people found creative ways of practising their faith in their homes.

Now, Thomas’s shrine no longer exists – it was destroyed at the Reformation.  But a candle marks the spot:  its place is still important.   This Sunday, as we celebrate our Patronal Festival and our return to the Cathedral for public worship, we are, like the pilgrims to Thomas’s shrine, distanced but close, whether in the building or at home.  Like those who endured the long closure, we know that through grace, our faith can be sustained in new ways when circumstances dictate;  but like the modern pilgrims who visit the site of the shrine, and ponder the burning candle, and feel the presence of God and the saint and the prayers of ages, we give thanks for the gift of a holy place and for its treasures, both human and divine.

The Revd Canon Kathryn Percival
Canon Chancellor

Message from the Dean, re-opening for public worship Patronal Festival - Sunday 5 July

My delight at being able to re-open the Cathedral for private prayer has been increased by the announcement that public worship may resume from the 4 July onwards.  Sunday 5 July is our Patronal Festival, and so it is almost as though this announcement has been made especially for us!  How wonderful it will be to be able to worship together in the Cathedral for the first time in nearly four months, albeit with a number of restrictions in order to ensure a safe environment for everyone.   

As with the opening for private prayer, we will need to limit numbers, ensure social distancing, and we will not be able to sing.   So what will happen on Sunday 5 July is as follows:  Five consecutive services of Holy Communion, at 8.00am (BCP), 9.00am (also broadcast on Facebook), 10.00am, 11.00am and 12noon.   The size of the congregation will be limited to 25 and a limited number of places can be pre-booked through Eventbrite.  Communion will received in one kind only – the bread.   Each service will be about 35 minutes long, and the Cathedral clergy will take it in turns to preside.  It may be necessary,, to record for health reasons the name and a contact number for all who attend worship. I will be present at all of these services, and preach a short homily. 

Finally, our evening service on Sunday 5 July will be on-line only, and will include a video sermon by the Dean of Canterbury.   We are extremely grateful to him for being our guest preacher, albeit without the need actually to come to Portsmouth!

We have made careful plans to ensure that all may return to the Cathedral safely and with confidence, and look forward to welcoming you.  

With my prayers and best wishes,

The Very Revd Dr Anthony Cane
Dean of Portsmouth

Festival Fizz

Crack open something fizzy and join us for our Festival Fizz at 6.30pm, for a chance to catch up with other members of the congregation and raise a glass to celebrate our Patronal Festival. The Festival Fizz will replace our usual 10.00am coffee hour on Sunday. Details of how to join will be sent in the email notices.

Visiting the Cathedral

Portsmouth Cathedral is now open for private prayer every day with the slightly extended hours from three to now four hours per day, opening between 10.00am and 2.00pm each day.

A huge thank you to all the volunteers who have offered their time to enable us to open. You can find more information about what to expect when you visit, including the safety measures we are taking, here.

Restarting Public Worship

Sunday 5 July

As mentioned above, it is fitting that this coincides with our Patronal Festival and we look forward to welcoming you in person to the Cathedral on Sunday morning. It is still possible (at time of sending) to pre-book a place at the 8.00am, 9.00am, 10.00am and 12 noon services through Eventbrite.


There will be a Eucharist (in one kind only) in the Nave at 12 noon each weekday. The Cathedral will remain open for private prayer at this time and numbers in the Cathedral will be limited to 25 in total.

Online Worship

We know that not everyone will be able to visit the Cathedral for a service or to pray. We will be continuing our online services as normal on Facebook (see below for details), including a live-streamed service of Holy Communion every Sunday morning at 9.00am.

In the notices this week:

  • Bishop Christopher’s 40th Anniversary Ordination - Sunday 28 June

  • Welcome to Catherine Edenborough, Cathedral Curate

  • FIC Meeting - 6 July 2020

  • Supporting Portsmouth Cathedral

  • Friends of the Cathedral

  • Choir end of term

  • Weekly reflection from the Portsmouth Cathedral Ministry Team

  • 100 Days of Lockdown with Portsmouth Cathedral Choir

  • Online worship including the order of service for Sunday 5 July

  • Regular details of prayers and intercessions and ways to contact the Cathedral.

Bishop Christopher’s 40th Anniversary of Ordination - Sunday 28 June

Bishop Christopher and the Revd Sally Davenport led a morning Eucharist service from their home, focusing on the ministry and service of deacons, at this time of year when deacons would normally be ordained. It featured some surprise guests - the Bishop of Salisbury, the Rt Revd Nick Holtam, and the former Archbishop of Canterbury, the Rt Revd Dr Rowan Williams - who helped Bishop Christopher to mark the 40th anniversary of his ordination. You can watch the service here

Welcome Catherine Edenborough, Cathedral Curate

This week-end, we are delighted to welcome our new Cathedral curate, Catherine Edenborough.  Catherine will be licensed as a Lay Worker by the Bishop via Zoom on Saturday 4 July.  All are welcome to join this service via the Diocese’s Facebook page here: facebook.com/cofeportsmouth and it’s also possible to share the stream with your friends by using the ‘Watch Party’ button.  The order of service can be found here. Catherine will read and lead intercessions with us at the 9.00am service on Sunday morning, which (as mentioned above) will be both public and livestreamed.  Her usual working days will be Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday, and she is very much looking forward to starting her ministry at the Cathedral.  Please hold her, and her husband Max, in your prayers. Catherine’s email address is catherine.edenborough@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.

Finance and Investment Committee (FIC) Meeting

A scheduled meeting of FIC takes place on Monday, 6 July 2020. The agenda for the meeting is here.

Supporting Portsmouth Cathedral

Over past weeks we have been sharing some of the profound financial challenges that Portsmouth Cathedral faces. The Cathedral team has done everything possible to reduce expenditure and Chapter has approved revised budgets for 2020 and 2021 which see deep cuts of almost 40%. Even with such drastic measures, we will be unable to achieve balanced budgets and to continue our ministry in the way we aspire to without the support of our congregation.

We know many people are facing financially challenging circumstances. If you are able to, please consider making a new or increased regular or one-off donation to support our work. Every gift is hugely valued and very gratefully received. If you are a UK taxpayer, signing up for Gift Aid will enable us to claim an additional 25% of your donation from HMRC.

Ways to make a regular donation:

  • By Direct Debit – via the Parish Giving Scheme by calling 0333 002 1271. Lines are open Monday-Friday between 9.00am and 5.00pm. You will need your bank details ready as well as this reference information: Church name: Portsmouth Cathedral, Parish Giving Scheme parish code: 290629001

  • By Standing Order – please contact sophie.henstridge-brown@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk for our bank details and reference number

Ways to make a one-off donation:

  • By bank transfer – please contact sophie.henstridge-brown@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk for our bank details

  • By cheque – payable to ‘Portsmouth Cathedral Chapter’ and sent to the Cathedral Offices

  • Online here. Please note that online donations incur a fee from the online provider, if you wish us to receive all of your donation and Gift Aid, please use bank transfer or cheque.

Thank you to everyone who has generously increased their giving recently, we are hugely grateful.

If you would like to talk about how your gift can make a difference, please contact our Head of Fundraising Sophie Henstridge-Brown on sophie.henstrdge-brown@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk.

Friends of the Cathedral

The Friends’ Yearbook 2020 will be distributed to members at the end of the month. If you would like to know more about membership please contact the Friends Office

Weekly reflection from the Portsmouth Cathedral Ministry Team

For the past few weeks we have been sharing a short reflection from members of the Ministry Team. You can see all of the previous videos on our YouTube channel here.

100 Days of Lockdown with Portsmouth Cathedral Choir

We’ve now reached the 100 Days milestone of choir life without Cathedral services and morning Song School. Here’s a glimpse of what we’ve been up to https://youtu.be/tioGW-F8vjI

Online Resources

A reminder that resources for prayer, worship, and family activities at home can be found on our website here

Online worship


8.15am Morning Prayer                    
5.30pm Evening Prayer              
8.30pm Compline

Plus Toddler Group on Wednesdays at 2.00pm via Facebook


9.00am Holy Communion
5.30pm Patronal Festival Evening Prayer followed by Festival Fizz via Zoom
8.30pm Compline

How to join the services

You do not need to be a member of Facebook to join the services. Please use this link. when the service is about to begin. You will see a prompt asking you to join Facebook, just click ‘not now’. Orders of service for our Sunday Eucharist’s, Compline, and special services, can be found on the Resources Section of our website here

Order of Service for Sunday 5 July

The order of service for Patronal Festival Eucharist on Sunday 5 July can be found here.

How to join the online Zoom Festival Fizz

Festival Fizz will be hosted on Zoom at 6.30pm after Cathedral Prayer. In order to maintain security, details will be sent with our emailed notices.

Prayers and Intercessions

Cathedral Prayers

All those affected by COVID-19

We remember the following for whom prayer has been asked by members of the Cathedral Community: Christopher, Stephen, Paul, Marinus, Chris, Colin, Philippa, Terry, Sally, David, John, Bob, Derek, Nigel, Trevor, Emrys, Reuben, Andrew, Jonathan, Peter, Melissa, Mary, Laurence, Clare, Anne, Izzy, Jenifer, Jenny and all those in need.

All those who have died: Jackie Taylor, Alma Marrow, Peter Wright and Gerald Reddington (priest) RIP.

Requesting an addition to the prayer list

To add someone to the prayer list, please email info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Getting in touch

We know that this is a lonely and anxious time for many people. Please feel free to get in touch if we can help in any way, or if you just want to hear another voice!

By phone:                                                                                                                                      

The Dean: 023 9282 4400                             

Canon Kathryn Percival: 023 9289 2967

Canon Jo Spreadbury: 023 9275 2335

Messages can also be left on the cathedral phone system 023 9282 3300 and will be responded to as necessary.     

By email:

The Dean Anthony.Cane@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Canon Kathryn Percival Kathryn.Percival@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

Canon Jo Spreadbury Jo.Spreadbury@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

For pastoral matters pastoral@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk

General matters info@portsmouthcathedral.org.uk