Cathedral Consort — Portsmouth Cathedral

Open today 9:00am to 6:30pm


Portsmouth Cathedral Consort

The Cathedral Consort is a mixed choir of adults.

The choir provides a unique opportunity at the cathedral for adults to sing here on select liturgical occasions and at the major festivals of Easter and Christmas. The choir teams up with the Cathedral Choir or Cantate Choir to sing at least four joint services each year, on special occasions.

Noted for the high quality of its singing, the choir currently rehearses on a weekly or fortnightly basis at the cathedral before each service. The choir regularly tackles music of a broad range and difficulty from the glories of composers such as Palestrina to Gabriel Jackson. We have taken part in live BBC Radio 4 broadcasts as well as featuring on the latest CD from Portsmouth Cathedral - music for Advent and Christmas released by HeraldAV.

In 2020 we travel to sing in Finland for our first foreign tour.

There is an active choir association that oversees the running of these.


These are held informally at any time. There are often vacancies in the choir as teenagers move on to university. Contact the music office for further details.

Directors and Conductors

David Price – Organist, david.price@

Sachin Gunga – Sub-Organist,

(023) 9282 3300